Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Scaffolding of the Gods - THE WISE MAN'S FEAR

As the Violent Femme’s say, “Everything, everything, everything, everything.”

There's so much goodness in The Wise Man's Fear, follow-up to the equally amazing first book in the series, The Name of the Wind.

Patrick Rothfuss has the gift of narrative, pulling us in with magic and desire and betrayal. There's so much to steal here, but Avie needs one thing in particular from this book. 

What I’m stealing: The myth-making that functions at the depths of this story. Not just the Chandrian. or the Edema Ruh; not the legacy of magicians at the Unversity, or even the power of a Name. It is the myth of the moon--the beautiful way it elevates the entire story into the realm of the gods. I will take that, thank you very much.